About Me

My real name is Andraž, but online most people call me KAMI as like Cthulhu, my name can't be pronounced by mere mortals :P I enjoy reading manga, playing visual novels and being a filthy casual in most games that I play.

  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Slovenia
  • Birthday: May 4th
  • Join Date: June 20th, 2013 (11 years ago)
Anime Stats
65% Comedy
44% Action
44% Fantasy
44% Romance
31% Harem
28% Ecchi
21% Super P...
4.5 months spent watching anime.
333 completed. More than 99% of users.
Manga Stats
71% Comedy
67% Romance
49% Ecchi
37% Fantasy
26% Action
22% Harem
21% Thrille...
8,070 chapters read.
89 completed. More than 95% of users.

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