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About Me

I like isekai/time travel anime the most. I'm also fine with reverse isekai. Other times I'm watching romance and/or action anime. I prefer artwork that is pleasant to the eyes but if the story is good enough I'll bear with it. I prefer to watch anime with less than 50 episodes.

  • Gender: Male
  • Location: California
  • Birthday: November 11th
  • Join Date: July 13th, 2018 (6 years ago)
Anime Stats
62% Fantasy
58% Comedy
51% Action
42% Romance
34% Adventu...
21% Science...
21% Super P...
3.7 months spent watching anime.
383 completed. More than 98% of users.
Manga Stats
100% Comedy
100% Drama
75% Virtual...
75% Fantasy
75% Psychol...
25% Romance
237 chapters read.
4 completed. More than 22% of users.

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