About Me

Born in Venezuela living in Chile and making preparations to move to japan, hardcore pokemon competitive player and isekai manga maniac.

  • Waifu: Robin Nico
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Chile
  • Birthday: January 8th
  • Join Date: June 5th, 2015 (9 years ago)
Anime Stats
65% Comedy
60% Fantasy
59% Action
43% Adventu...
28% Super P...
21% Science...
19% Romance
2.4 months spent watching anime.
317 completed. More than 95% of users.
Manga Stats
63% Fantasy
60% Comedy
42% Romance
39% Action
31% Adventu...
24% Ecchi
22% Drama
58,750 chapters read.
308 completed. More than 99% of users.

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