Post to OngakuChan…
About Me

Anime lover from Dallas. I typically watch stuff that isn't trash. Little bit of an elitist, but I also watch trash on purpose. Everybody loves a good train wreck ya know.

  • Gender: Female
  • Location: Dallas
  • Birthday: May 14th
  • Join Date: August 5th, 2013 (11 years ago)
Anime Stats
54% Comedy
47% Action
38% Fantasy
26% Adventu...
25% Drama
23% Romance
21% Super P...
3.6 months spent watching anime.
257 completed. More than 98% of users.
Manga Stats
62% Romance
49% Comedy
36% Drama
32% Fantasy
17% Mystery
10% Psychol...
7% Horror
12,486 chapters read.
136 completed. More than 97% of users.

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