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About Me

  • Gender: Female
  • Location: South Korea
  • Birthday: July 26th
  • Join Date: August 2nd, 2013 (11 years ago)
Anime Stats
64% Comedy
54% Romance
44% Fantasy
34% Action
32% Harem
29% Ecchi
24% Science...
25.8 days spent watching anime.
112 completed. More than 83% of users.
Manga Stats
66% Romance
46% Comedy
38% Drama
28% Fantasy
26% Ecchi
19% Thrille...
16% Action
7,718 chapters read.
90 completed. More than 95% of users.

Ads suck, but that's how we keep the lights on. Please whitelist us in your adblocker.

Favorite Characters

Ads suck, but that's how we keep the lights on. Please whitelist us in your adblocker.