Post to marie_greenstar…
About Me

I am been into Anime almost my whole life it all started with an electric mouse and his trainer boy and grew from there. Funimation rules! As Tom from Toonami says stay gold!

  • Gender: Female
  • Location: Midicity
  • Birthday: It's a secret
  • Join Date: June 1st, 2018 (6 years ago)
Anime Stats
55% Comedy
50% Fantasy
37% Adventu...
31% Action
31% Romance
14% Science...
12% Drama
1.2 months spent watching anime.
170 completed. More than 88% of users.
Manga Stats
133% Fantasy
67% Comedy
67% Romance
33% Magical...
33% Science...
86 chapters read.
3 completed. More than 9% of users.

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