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Taste of Illness

76.28% Community Approval

Not having any friends is bad enough, but being swallowed by mysterious black sludge in the middle of class? The worst. Yijun is no stranger to solitude, until a school project plants the seed for a delicate bond with another loner, Suni. But friendship is a frustrating puzzle for those who are used to being alone, especially when one of them claims to control a black goo that only turns hostile when the host is gripped by anxiety. Will Yijun and Suni be able to open up and … read more

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Manga Details
  • English Taste of Illness
  • Korean 병의 맛
  • Korean (Romaja) Byeong-ui Mat
  • Synonyms Flavor's Bottle
  • Type Manhwa
  • Volumes 3
  • Chapters 15
  • Status Finished
  • Published Aug 4, 2018 to Jan 26, 2019
  • More info