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SQ: Begin W/Your Name!

82.38% Community Approval

The funny romantic story of how Qiu Tong and Sun Jing met and fell in love. Note: this entry is for the published volume and not the ongoing webcomic.

Rank #213 (Most Popular Manga) Rank #213 (Highest Rated Manga)
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Manga Details
  • English
  • Japanese SQ从你的名字开始
  • Japanese (Romaji) SQ: Begin W/Your Name!
  • Synonyms Their Story, Tamen De Gushi, SQ: Cong Ni De Mingzi Kaishi, SQ: Begin With Your Name!
  • Type Manhua
  • Volumes 1
  • Chapters 9
  • Status Finished
  • Published Oct 5, 2015
  • More info