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Naruto: Shiro no Douji, Keppu no Kijin

77.66% Community Approval

Naruto, a born troublemaker, has the worst grades of anyone at Ninja Academy. But he has big dreams and swears that someday he'll be a respected warrior and the leader of his village! After barely graduating from the academy, Naruto officially becomes a full-fledged ninja and starts accepting assignments. He's thrilled about embarking on his first big job, a bodyguard mission, but his enthusiasm soon turns to panic when his group is ambushed by the powerful, vicious Demon … read more

Rank #5530 (Most Popular Manga) Rank #1886 (Highest Rated Manga)
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Manga Details
  • English Naruto - Innocent Heart, Demonic Blood
  • English (American) Naruto: Innocent Heart, Demonic Blood
  • Japanese NARUTO -白の童子、血風の鬼人-
  • Japanese (Romaji) Naruto: Shiro no Douji, Keppu no Kijin
  • Type Novel
  • Volumes 1
  • Chapters 19
  • Status Finished
  • Published Dec 16, 2002
  • More info