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Ninety percent of our lives are determined by our fate, and our fates are determined by our "souls." But every now and then, something goes wrong and the souls of those who have met an untimely fate also pollute their environs, drawing more souls into a vicious circle of ill fate. Sakurai and Amano are an odd-couple team who have been hired to deal with the problems that arise from these tainted souls and have been tasked with finding those who are heading to an early grave … read more

Rank #2859 (Most Popular Manga) Rank #6028 (Highest Rated Manga)
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Manga Details
  • English
  • English (American) Livingstone
  • Japanese リヴィングストン
  • Japanese (Romaji) Livingstone
  • Type Manga
  • Volumes 4
  • Chapters 23
  • Status Finished
  • Published Jul 30, 2009 to Feb 5, 2015
  • More info