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Ietsuroku - Mizuki Shigeru no Sekai


A collection of 13 One Shots that were drawn between 1966-1972 and were published by various periodicals before being collected into one volume and published by "Horror Comics" in 1994. This collection was republished by Kadokawa books in 2007 making this rare collection of One Shots available to the general once again. The titles of each One Shot including their dates of publication are as follows: 1) Shuudensha no Onna (終電車の女) (01-03-1970) 2) Neko-Mata (猫又) (03-13-1966) read more

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Manga Details
  • English Ietsuroku - The world of Mizuki Shigeru
  • English (American) Ietsuroku - The world of Mizuki Shigeru
  • Japanese 畏悦録 - 水木しげるの世界
  • Japanese (Romaji) Ietsuroku - Mizuki Shigeru no Sekai
  • Type Manga
  • Volumes 1
  • Chapters 13
  • Status Finished
  • Published Jul 25, 2007
  • More info