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Gokujou Koibana: Perfect Love Stories Best 5


An anthology of sweet love stories from various renowned mangakas. Each chapter is a separate oneshot. Chapter 1 - Moral Hazard - by Doumoto Nao Haruka and Sougo have been going out in a steady relationship. Without warning, one day Sougo tells Haruka that the two should break up. Poor Haruka-chan is left lost and confused, and even worse, she can't stop loving Sougo. She is determined to get him back, even if that means using her sexual charms to confess to him one more … read more

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Manga Details
  • Japanese (Romaji) Gokujou Koibana: Perfect Love Stories Best 5
  • Synonyms Moral Hazard, Real Love, Kinkyori Lovers, Secret, 1 Min. Kisu
  • Type Manga
  • Volumes 1
  • Chapters 5
  • Status Finished
  • Published Dec 21, 2007
  • More info