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Doraemon Game Comic: The☆Doraemons


A spin-off of the long-running Doraemon manga, The Doraemons follows the adventures of the six different Doraemon that first appeared in the 3DO game, Doraemon-Legend of Friendship, The Doraemon. The Doraemons, or Dora Dora Seven (DD7), is a kind of an old boys' association of the Robot School which Doraemon attended. All the seven male members are cat-like robots of the same type, enjoy dorayaki, but usually add their own preferred seasoning. They have rock-hard heads … read more

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Manga Details
  • Japanese ドラえもんゲームコミック ザ☆ドラえもんズ
  • Japanese (Romaji) Doraemon Game Comic: The☆Doraemons
  • Type Manga
  • Volumes 6
  • Chapters 37
  • Status Finished
  • Published Jan 25, 1996 to Apr 4, 2001
  • More info