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Dimension W

76.09% Community Approval

In the future, Nikola Tesla's dream of a 'World System' of electricity is realized. Cords and batteries are a thing of the past, and now people can directly draw energy using devices known as 'coils.' Some people, however, modify these coils for destructive purposes. Mabuchi Kyoma, a man who lives in ruins and has a passion for 'vintage' gas-powered cars, has good reason to know what damage these coils can do. He takes on assignments from a large woman known as Marie, … read more

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Manga Details
  • English
  • English (American) Dimension W
  • Japanese Dimension W
  • Japanese (Romaji) Dimension W
  • Type Manga
  • Volumes 16
  • Chapters 116
  • Status Finished
  • Published Sep 16, 2011 to Jun 25, 2019
  • More info