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1. Cendrillon 2. Kin no Ono/Golden Axe 3. Closet Room 4. Treasure Island 5. Bespoke ver.5.0 transit 6. Bespoke Sauna Rantou-hen 7. Bespoke Maid

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Manga Details
  • Japanese サンドリヨン
  • Japanese (Romaji) Cendrillon
  • Synonyms Cendrillon, Kin no Ono, Golden Axe, Closet Room, Treasure Island, Bespoke ver.5.0 transit, Bespoke Sauna Rantou-hen, Bispoke Maid
  • Type Novel
  • Volumes 1
  • Chapters 7
  • Status Finished
  • Published Dec 30, 2008 to Feb 18, 2010
  • More info