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Akanai Tobira

71.98% Community Approval

1-2. The Door to the Closed Mind 3. The Ugly Duckling and the Prince 4. The Prince's Sweetheart 5. It's Lonely When You're Cold

Rank #4940 (Most Popular Manga) Rank #6717 (Highest Rated Manga)
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Manga Details
  • English
  • English (American) The Door to the Closed Mind
  • Japanese あかないとびら
  • Japanese (Romaji) Akanai Tobira
  • Synonyms The Ugly Duckling and the Prince, The Prince's Sweetheart, It's Lonely When You're Cold
  • Type Manga
  • Volumes 1
  • Chapters 5
  • Status Finished
  • Published Jun 27, 2007
  • More info